Planning for Passing a Resolution

Below are some materials to prepare for a council meeting and strategies to boost media coverage. This suggested detailed timeline (PDF) also provides some helpful guidance in your planning.

Our team provides a lot of assistance in mobilizing supportive calls to the council ahead of the vote and in preparing and distributing press releases. If your resolution has been placed on an agenda or if you expect it to be put on the agenda soon, please set up a call with us to work out a strategy plan.

Preparing for your Council Hearing 

Strategies for boosting media coverage

    • If your member of Congress is a Democrat who hasn’t signed onto the Medicare for All Act, be careful not to send anything to the press (or to your Member of Congress) that broadcasts your resolution campaign is taking place until the day your resolution passes.
    • Here is a guide to help you reach out to the media. (PDF)
    • Send out a media advisory a week in advance and make follow up calls to your local media. You might get some coverage in advance. Here is a model media advisory that you can adapt.
    • Print out copies of your press release. Here is a sample press release.
    • Here are some other documents that you can include in press packets.
    • After your resolution passes, contact us to help you or your council champion write and edit a letter to the editor of your local paper announcing the resolution and explaining why it’s so important.