Petition Toolkit
A petition in support of your Medicare for All resolution can help to push councilmembers to take action by demonstrating that their constituents support the effort.
To do this, you can use our sample petition to create your petition. If you would like us to create an online version of your petition so that you can circulate it to members of your community electronically as well, send us a copy of your petition (and resolution if you have already written one).
Some ideas for collecting signatures:
- Invite organizations that you know have endorsed Medicare for All to collect signatures from their members.
- Share your petition with email lists and local Facebook groups.
Here’s what to do with your petition:
- Record sign-up information in a spreadsheet or make sure you keep copies so that you can let people know when the council schedules a vote on your resolution.
- Schedule a meeting with your councilmember to deliver the petition.
Questions? Comments? Please get in touch if you need help planning your event.